
Fees: $265
CPE Units: 35

Performance Indicators


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Diabetes medications can lower glucose, but they do not reduce inflammation! Annually, 29 million Americans are diagnosed with T2D; only 36% achieve good medical outcomes. Learn complementary interventions to help control complications: CV, kidney, vision, and peripheral nerve problems. “Chronic high levels of blood sugar are actually due to excessive generation of unopposed free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which eventually jeopardize the formation of the protective molecule nitric oxide,” thus reducing oxygen supply to the body.

** Note: Several options are available for this product. Prices vary from $115 to $265. **

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this self-study course, the users will be able to:

1. Explain four metabolic consequences of chronic hyperglycemia.

2. Compare three mechanisms through which blood glucose is normally regulated and how they change with diabetes.

3. Identify five possible ways how chronic hyperglycemia can shorten a person’s life.

4. List three ways diabetes effects blood and blood vessels and three known consequences.

5. Explain physiologically how chronic hyperglycemia is linked to hypertension, atherosclerosis, changes in the heart, and thyroid hormones.

6. Identify four ways diabetes effects sight, hearing, and sensory functions.

7. Define “Advanced Glycated End Products” (AGEs) and five ways to reduce them in normal living.

8. Give three guidelines for medical nutrition therapies in disease prevention and management for patients with T2DB.

9. Name ten bioactive food compounds believed to lower blood sugar properties, which are also available in functional food sources.

10. Describe how inflammation is associated with the development of diabetes and list six supplements/functional foods that are known to reduce inflammation.

11. Distinguish between the dawn phenomenon and the Somogyi effect.

12. Recommend appropriate blood sugar targets for fasting and postprandial levels.

13. Calculate the ankle-brachial index (ABI).

14. Perform the Barnes test for low thyroid function.

Why we chose this book

The main author of this book, Dr. Robert Fried, is highly qualified as a researcher, medical school instructor, and international speaker and consultant. His book covers evidence-based research into complementary treatments. The book is readable, interesting, and detailed in the physiology of this disease process.

About the Author

Dr. Robert Fried was Professor Emeritus at Cornell University Medical School, had appointments at Temple University Medical School, and he was a research scientist at the Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory (Project Mercury) among many other positions. He authored more than 45 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, and he holds patents in biomedical instrumentation.

Recommended for…

  • Registered Dietitian (RD/RDN)
  • Dietetics Technician Registered (DTR/NDTR)
  • Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)
  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Integrative & Functional Nutrition Academy Professional

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