2020 RD Goals Workshop & Mastermind

This workshop in Oregon is designed to assist dietitians in setting professional goals. Attendees will create a plan to achieve their 2020 goals and earn 4 CEUs.

FODMAPs and IBS: Beyond the Basics; Tampa

Join Patsy Catsos MS, RDN, LD, an expert in the FODMAP elimination diet in Tampa. Learn the science of the diet and how to apply it in clinical practice while earning 6 CPEUs (continuing education credits).

Counseling Skills for Dietitians

Have you wanted to increase your knowledge about behavior change?  Dietitians can sometimes be hesitant to utilize counseling in sessions because it is not the traditional model we were trained in.  This course is one of its kind- Counseling Skills, led by a dietitian...

Small Instestine Bacterial Overgrowth

Registered Dietitian Farah Hillou provides a detailed presentation into the diagnosis and nutritional management of SIBO. During this course you will learn how to recognise SIBO symptoms, and identify nutritional management strategies. By the end of the presentation...

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