Monthly Morsels Meetup

RD/DTR Continuing Education Support

First Wednesdays | 2 PM ET, 11 AM PT

About the Monthly Morsels Meetup

Ready to hear about the latest CEU requirements, free and paid options for earning those credits, and have some company while you log your CEUs into CDR’s system?

Get on the list now for the next Monthly Morsels Meetup for RD/DTR continuing education! Once a month, we’ll chat about CEUs, answer any questions you have about filling your portfolio, and hear from others about the credits they’ve logged.

After the event you will:

Feel relief you have this out of the way!

Know exactly what holes you need to fill in your learning plan!

Know where to look for your next CEU!

Feel caught up!

This Free Virtual Meetup is for you if:

you don’t know when you last logged into myCDR

you are not sure how many CEUs you’ve logged so far this cycle

you would rather face the CEU process with friends

you have some CEU certificates somewhere (and you’re not sure where) that need to be logged

you want to hear about the CEUs other dietitians have taken

you have a question about the CEU requirements or process


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Malcolm X

Ready to join the next meetup?


Enter your name and email below. Then click “Sign-up”!


Start gathering all of your CEU certificates!


Jot down any burning quesitons you have about finding and earning CEUs.


Make sure you have your favorite beverage on hand!


Invite a dietitian friend! You know you’re not alone 😉

“I LOVE logging CEUs!”

– said no one ever

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As a special gift, you’ll receive our exclusive CPE Quick Reference Guide. You’ll quickly see a list of all the activity types that count and which activity types have maximum allowances per year or cycle. Enjoy!

Check your email for your free CPE Reference Guide!

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