Roundup: Big Credit CPEs


It’s almost Spring! Is the clock ticking on your recertification cycle? Is your 5 year PDP cycle ending this year? How many credits do you need to keep going as a registered dietitian nutritionist? Whoops, are you behind and need to make up ground fast? There are only a few months until May!

The programs below all allow you to complete at your own pace… either by finishing an online program or by reading a book and taking a test. Get nearly half (or more than half!) your cycle’s credits with one of these programs:

Helm Publishing
Intuitive eating | 37 CPEUs | $295
The Health Professional’s Guide to Gastrointestinal Nutrition | 40 CPEUs | $234

Lisa Hark PHD, RD
Medical Nutrition and Disease: A Case-Based Approach | 48 CPEUs | $53.99 (e-book); $67 (paperback)

Dr. Claudia T. Felty
Social Media Mastery for Health Professionals | 55 CPEUs | $397

Handbook of Nutrition and the Kidney | 50 CPEUs | $198 (exam only); $266 (exam + book)
Techniques of Healthy Cooking | 50 CPEUs | $198 (exam only); $253 (exam + book)

RDN Academy
Virtual Private Practice | 36 CPEUs | $497
Intuitive Eating | 36 CPEUs | $297

Skelly Skills
The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science | 45 CPEUs | $150 (exam only); $199 (exam + book)

Sweet Success Express
Diabetes and Pregnancy | 40 CPEUs | $169

Wolf Rinke
Integrating Nutrition Into Practice | 45 CPEUs | $349.95
Integrative Nutrition Therapy | 45 CPEUs | $349.95
Nutrition in Public Health | 45 CPEUs | $349.95

Originally Published 2/10/2018; last revised 2/20/2019


  1. Just found out about your service! how did I not know this before! I’ll be back…

  2. Welcome! We are glad you found us!

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