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Free CPEs
by Sandy Pagán, RDN, LD Who And What Are Free CEUs Good For? Who doesn’t love free? We all seem to appreciate a good deal. For example, we all need an ethics credit, so these ideas on free ethics CEUs help everyone out. Most likely, your learning plan …
Here’s a way to get some CPE credits for something you’re already doing – reading peer-reviewed evidence-based research articles.
Need and ethics credit for your recertification cycle? We’ve got you covered! Here we highlight 7 FREE ethics continuing professional education (CPE) credits for registered dietitian nutritionists (RDs, RDNs).
Highlighting 4.5 free continuing professional education (CPE) credits for registered dietitian nutritionists (RDs, RDNs).
CPE Roundups
While it’s a joy to eat the Mediterranean way, it’s also great to have clinical knowledge about the benefits and applications in practice. Here are some continuing education programs (CPEs) on the Mediterranean diet and all the health benefits.
According to Monash University, FODMAPs are short-chained carbs that don’t play nice in the gut. When they aren’t absorbed in the intestine, they cause symptoms in patients with IBS. Each letter of FODMAP stands for a different type of trouble-making carbohydrate.
Need continuing education credits fast? Here’s a list of CPE programs to give you nearly half your CDR required 75 credits.
More Articles
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Dietetic Practice Groups (DPGs) are a great way to get specialized continuing education. Here’s a look into what each DPG offers its registered dietitian members.
Did you know not all CPEUs for dietitians need to be pre-approved by CDR or come from CDR accredited providers?
As dietitians, we often find ourselves specializing in one area (or more!). If you are looking for a new way to make some money with your specialty, you may want to consider becoming an accredited provider of continuing education.
An overview and step by step review of using CDRs Goal Wizard to create a new Professional Development Plan for your next dietitian re-certification cycle.